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Our partners in lavender

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Resources, credits and acknowledgments

We wish to thank all those who helped us design this site and were willing to share with us their experience, their knowledge, their secrets of lavender and lavender essential oil, without whom this site would lack the substance that we have presented throughout these pages.


To all of you, we offer our sincerest thanks.



In particular, we thank

Le jardin des arômes Jacques LAMY de Nyons

Jacques LAMY de Nyons

For authorizing us to us his "Guide du Jardins des Arômes”, published by l'Association des amis du Jardin des Arômes.

L'Association des Routes de la Lavandes

Les Routes de la Lavandes Association

For letting us use the "Catalogue de l'exposition itinérante Parfums de Lavande", published by the Association des Routes de la Lavande - July 1998.

Christiane Meunier Lavandes et lavandins

Christiane Meunier

for her book "Lavandes et Lavandins", from Editions Edisud 1999, and who has known so well how to describe lavender.

Robert VEYAN Lavandes Lavandins Parfum d'Histoire

Robert VEYAN

who uncovered the secrets of lavender for us in his book, "Lavandes Lavandins Parfum d'Histoire", published by the Association pour la Promotion des Plantes à Parfum, Aromatiques, and Médicinales (APPAM).

Aromathérapie du Docteur Jean VALNET

Docteur Jean VALNET

The book "Aromathérapie" by Doctor Jean Valnet, published by Livre de Poche, revealed to us many therapeutic secrets of lavender and its essential oil.



ONIPPAM, (now regrouped as FranceAgrimer) for entrusting us with its entire document collection relating to lavender.

André PERRIN et Jean-Claude CAISSARD

André Perrin, Professeur Emeritus of the Science Faculty at the Université Jean Monnet in Saint Etienne, who provided us with photos of lavender cuttings.
Microscopic photos were produced by the BVPAM Laboratory, University of St Etienne, by A. Perrin and Mr. Colson.

Dave Smith

For his english translation of this website.

Steffen LIPP

Steffen Lipp, artist, photographer, for allowing us to use his compositions and photographs of the perfumes of Provence.


Jean Kerléo, director of Osmothèque for his rich lyrics and who constantly strives to ensure that lavender lives on as an invaluable fragrance for the world of perfumery.

Laëtitia NAVARRO

Laetitia Navarro, project manager at the Osmothèque for her photos of the Osmothèque and images of inestimable value.


Perfumer-creator, and former President of the French Society of Perfumers, is now its honorary president We owe a debt of gratitude to Mr. Chaillan for his testimony drawn both from poetry and from the fragrances of Haute-Provence and for his commitment in our fight for the protection of our heritage.

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